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Please select the required certificate type/s from the list below. To continue press Next. The cost displayed for each certificate type applies to each property requested.
Certificate request
 Certificate typesCostDescription
Land Information Certificate $28.90 The Land Information Certificate (LIC) provides information regarding:
  1. Valuations of the particular property
  2. The amount of rates charged
  3. Arrears/interest if applicable
Inquiry - permits, notices, orders $50.70 This is a Building Property Inquiry for permits, notices and orders. This includes the following:
  1. Details of Building Permits covering the previous 10 years
  2. Occupancy Permits and/or Certificates of Final Inspection
  3. Details of statements issued under Reg 64 or 231
  4. Current Building Notices or Orders
  5. Certificates issued under the Regulations, the Act and/or the Building Act 1993 or the Building Regulations 2018
Inquiry - flooding, termites $50.70 This is a Building Property Inquiry for flooding and termites. This includes the following:
  1. Liable to flooding (Reg 153)
  2. Liable to infestation by termites (Reg 150)
  3. Prone to bush fire (Reg 155)
  4. Liable to significant snowfalls (Reg 181)
  5. Liable to overland flooding (Reg 154)
Inquiry - inspections $50.70 This is a Building Property Inquiry for inspections. This includes the following:
  1. Details of inspection approval dates of the mandatory notification stages for building work carried out on land or buildings as per (Section 137B – Building Act)