Payment types
Missing payments image
Please select the type of payment you wish to make. You can add multiple payments by repeating this process prior to submitting them for processing.

Please note: We accept Visa and Mastercard only.
Rates payments
Pay your rates assessment notice. Please note: Payment of rates with a credit card attract a 0.33 per cent merchant service fee (GST exempt).
 Payment typeDescription/instructions
Rates paymentsFor payment of your rates assessment. Please ensure you have your rates assessment number and your credit card for payment.
Infringement fine payments
Pay your infringement notice penalty.
 Payment typeDescription/instructions
Parking infringement finesFor payment of your parking infringement, please ensure you have your parking infringement notice and your credit card.
Litter, tobacco, food or road works
related infringement fines
For payment of your litter, tobacco, food or road works infringement, please ensure you have your litter, tobacco, food or road works infringement notice and your credit card.
Local laws infringement finesFor payment of your local laws infringement, please ensure you have your local laws infringement notice and your credit card.
Domestic animals infringement finesFor payment of your animal infringement, please ensure you have your animal infringement notice and your credit card.
Application fee payments
Pay your outstanding application fees.
 Payment typeDescription/instructions
Application fee paymentsPay your outstanding fees for the following applications:-
  1. Building
  2. Planning
  3. Site Services
  4. Freedom of Information
  5. Planning Infringement Notice
  6. Site Services Infringement Notice
Parking Permits or Street Trading Fee payments
Pay your parking permit or street trading fees.
 Payment typeDescription/instructions
Parking Permits or Street trading feesFor payments, please ensure you have your payment notice or renewal notice and your credit card.
Animal registration renewal
Pay your animal registration renewal.
 Payment typeDescription/instructions
Dog registration renewalHave your animal registration renewal notice ready. For new registrations see Pet Registrations or contact council on 9658 9658.
Cat registration renewalHave your animal registration renewal notice ready. For new registrations see Pet Registrations or contact council on 9658 9658.
Accounts receivable (sundry debtors)
Pay your statement or invoice.
 Payment typeDescription/instructions
Accounts receivableFor payment of your debtor statement or invoice, please ensure you have your reference number and your credit card for payment.
Reserved parking bookings payment
Pay a reserved parking invoice.
 Payment typeDescription/instructions
Reserved Parking paymentFor payments, please ensure you have your payment request notice and your credit card.