Property search
Please enter property details for your application or request below.

You can search for a property by selecting one of the available options below, and then entering some or all of the requested details.

When using the Address search, if you are unsure of the street name, enter the first letter or letters of the street name and select the street from the search results.

Once the results are displayed, please select the property required and click Next to continue.

If the property is not within the City of Melbourne municipality, please see Vic Councils.

If unable to locate the property address, within the City of Melbourne, please contact us on +61 3 9658 9658.
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Address search
Search for locations using address details:
Please enter the address details below. If you are unsure of the street name, enter the first letter or letters of the street name and select the street from the search results.
Street number
Street name
Street type